Friday, January 8, 2010
In 2004, my brother Dave achieved a life long dream to return home to Zimbabwe, Africa and spend some time helping out at Chidamoyo Christian Hospital. On that trip he accomplished two objectives, one he planned and the other opportunity he fell into by being at the right place at the right time.
He and his friend, also named Dave,planned to help the hospital by constructing the furniture for a new library. With that project well underway, the doctor came to my brother looking for some screws for an upcoming orthopedic surgery on a little girl's leg. Dave offered the doctor some screws and a cordless Dewalt drill, saying, "you could sterilize this and use it to put in the screws." The doctor invited Dave into the surgery as a consultant and allowed Dave to install the screws.Dave was thrilled to be a part of this medical success, he said, "either doctors get paid too much or carpenters get paid too little."
Dave died in 2005 of his seizure disorder. Chidamoyo graciously named the library, the David William Harrison and the Gayle Lynda Memorial Library. He is greatly missed.
The Dave discount is a 10% discount on purchases. Today it is offered to all patrons.To date, Ju's Creations has raised $400.00 for Chidamoyo.
Have a great day and come browse Ju's Creations at